The next two weekends are going to be so busy, so don't expect daily blog posts. Well, its not like I have a huge ammount of readers, but whatever XD
Anywho, here is a brief overview of the next two weekends, which I will blog ALL about :)
This Weekend-
Friday- Viewing the fall play Tartuffe by Moliere. I watched a little bit of it and it looks like such a fun show. Who doesn't love french farse!
Saturday- Giving tours of the school XD, but more importantley, a CONCERT! I (with Aurley from Music--Love it! ) are going to The Academy is..., We the Kings, Carolina Liar, and another band which I never heard of. I am super excited. Plenty of pictures will be up!
Sunday- Church, Chamber Singers(the small singing group where you have to audition to get into, unlike chorus) performance at school, and Youth Group.
Then NEXT weekend-
I am spending a fun filled weekend with 3 super close friends of mine(including Aurley!) in Cleveland on a shopping trip! It is for the one girls 16th birthday, so we will surley have a great time :)
The date with Steve on Halloween didn't work :( And as you can see by my schedule, I probably won't see him for another 2 weeks. Except on Sundays, because he is a church boy :D
I was inspired by the blog Hail Mary to create my own "travel" look book for when I go shopping :) Take her advice and create your own! It really does help so your not always thinking "what cute stuff am I looking for?"
Big News...I have decided to go Vegiterian. Sorry to all you animal activists out there, but it is not strictly to save animals. I really want to have a much healthier lifestyle, and I feel going vegiterian is a great start. I was truley inspired by Shelby on La Belle Vegan. I am going to start out slow and eliminate meats+chicken immediatley, then slowly eliminate fish. Eliminating the fish will definetly be the killer. But lets see how this Veggie thing goes eh? (I will most likley create a new blog specifically for my new veggie craze.)

I decided since I did the section on Taylor Momsen, I would feature another celeb whose style and personality I think are truley amazing. The one and only Lauren Conrad!
Lauren Conrad (aka: LC) has taken the reality tv world by storm. Since she first became noticed on the hit show Laguna Beach, she has made a name for herself in all forms of media; but most importantly, the fashion world.
With her previous job as a Teen Vouge intern, she was able to live and breathe fashion. Must be why she has such incredible taste! Lauren is not your average girl from Laguna, she is a classy, mature woman whose style(and hair) basically rocks! As for today...
Givin Some Love Back,
I wonder if the found the murderer for jen hud's mum yet!
That shopping trip sounds awesome Alyssa!! And good luck with the vegetarian thing. I really want to become one too! And yeah--I love Lauren!! I used to hate her but now I love her! I watch The Hills every monday! I love it! But I HATE Spencer and could definitely do without him =]
Awesome! I love that you are trying vegitarianism. I'm so happy to have inspired you =)
I love Lauren Conrad, she has the cutest style.
thank you for your lovely comments on my blog, they made me smile so much.♥
your blog is very cool! i will be back! :)
Awe, thanks! And yes SPENCER NEEDS to die in a pothole!! he's horrible and he, i don't know, made Heidi lose her job. He got her drunk so its kind of his fault. Right? And yeah-Lauren ROCKS!!!!! :D
Hi Alyssa,
I am so sorry for taking so long to reply... I am totally bombarded with midterms :( .... but that you so much for your sweet comment ... I really enjoyed reading your blog... it really does remind me of good old days of high school ... Awww :(
As for Lauren Conrad, I think that she does have an alright style but tend to keep it a bit on a boring side .... Unfortunately :(
I love Lauren Conrad.
good luck with going veggie.
SO BUSY!!!! yet it all sounds like great fun, especially the concert!!! i get to go see the plain white t's, the cab, and meg and dia on november 21!!!! so excited!!!
and deary....you have been tagged :)
love lc!!
Hey, sorry it's been a long time for me to comment ya back (actually since May!) LOL, but anyways, you asked where I was from. I'm really not at liberty to say where, but you can know I'm American. LOL
Alyssa! Hey, i havent commented you or even been on your blog in what seems like forever! :/
How was your Thanksgiving!?
Hey, I just found your blog and I'd like to say it's amazing. You're really funny, too.
And we have the same name, and spell it the same way?
Also, we both apparently live somewhere near Pittsburgh.
Anyway, lovely... reading you and I'll definitely be back. =]
and guess what else...
i just got my hair cut like this.
i'm impressed with us.
I LOVE we the kings. <3333
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