Another reason why I watch so much TV is I get a whole new perspective on different fashion trends and styles. Plus with all the "fashion formatted" shows today (aka: Stylista, Americas Next Top Model, Ugly Betty, Gossip Girl, Project Runway...) I learn so much about others fashion.
Any who, I was watching Ugly Betty this past Thursday and was SO happy Kimmi(aka Lindsay Lohan) was taken off the show. She was 1)a horrible actress and 2)a horrible person on the show. And when people mess with my shows, I get pretty mad. XD
Not going to lie, on the show, Lindsay always was styled to perfection, but in real life, she is a trashy La girl who parties and never wears underwear.(numerous sightings of her getting out of cars and accidentally flashing her "va-jay-jay" have been seen. INCLUDING at the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards) So word of advice, please don't be trashy.
:D So I have exciting news...
I have been tagged! This is a first for me :) The lovely FashionSqueah! has tagged me :) It's called the happy tag, the rules are; mention the person who nominated you. list 6 unimportant things that make you happy. tag 5 blogs. state the rules. notify them with a teeny comment on their blog that they have been nominated.
The 6 unimportant things are...
1. Cold air that has no scent whatsoever.
2. Warm Apple Pie paired with a scoop and a half of cinnamon ice cream
3. Running 3+ miles. I always feel so thin and accomplished :)
4. watching tv marathons
5. Eating baby back ribs. Messy, but delicious
6. just daydreaming and thinking about life
And the 5 blogs are... Everything is Fantabulous, Fantabulistigue, The Wandering Alchemist, Music--Love it. and MilkChildren
Then we watched the old version of Night of the Living Dead, which was one of the funniest things I think I have ever seen XD Overall, my Halloween was pretty fun! Hope you all had a great one!
Givin Some Love Back,
Hey I got your comment. I don't know if a liberal republican is even a real thing. Lol I kind of had a good Halloween. KIND OF. I was cleaning the house for the most of it. Then I got into a fight with my sister. Then I almost puked. But I got to see one of my favorite actresses on a Late Show last night!! It was Lauren Graham on Craig Ferguson!! I LOVE HER!!!!!! OH and I saw that episode of Ugly Betty and I agree with you 100% about Kimmi!! She was so evil to Betty!!! Especially during the interview! EWW. Yeah I'm not too fond of her in real life either. XD
Thanks for the comment/tagging.
I agree I think Lindsey is sooo Trashy.
England is a 'bit' behind the UglyBetty in the US (about a year). But I'm sooo glad that Lindsey isn't on there.
yay for family bonding and yay for being tagged!
and yay for u being so open minded! gotta love it! Seeing obama speak in person was like freakin sweet, and McCain came to our town last week and ate at a local restraunt, he was hilarious!
hope your weekend goes well :)
(New blog reader!)
I am so glad Lindsey Lohan is off the show. I heard that she was actually going to be on more episodes but ABC cut them. Hmm...
Just wondering, are you a JS girl? I saw you like the Jonas Brother/creepin. And sorry if I'm completley wrong and you have no clue what i'm talking about, and are really freaked out right now. Haha.
2 much tv can never hurt
mayb it can hurt ur eyes but oh well :)
ya it was :D
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