Monday, June 30, 2008

More Camp Rock Pictures

Ew. Today I have a doctors appointment. :(
But I am going to the Goodwill today to do some thrift store shopping :)

Here are some more pictures from Camp Rock. I don't want to post them all(because the post would me soooooo long XD ) I will post them over the next week, so don't worry!

Givin Some Love Back,


cady said...

My friend watched this movie the other night and told me all about it. I was shocked, because she hates the Jonas Brothers. And she liked the movie. LOL.

Alexis101 said...

I didn't like that movie so much but it is ok....

Ally said...

omg i have tons of showtunes on my ipod and ppl when they listen to it always think i'm so weird but they dont realize they're missing out on life because they rock to sing along too!! ;P is camp rock good?? i haven't seen it...yet! i wouldn't miss the jo bros in a movie from the world!!

fdgvb said...

camp rock was amazing!
I watched it with my little sister!
thanks for the comment!

Alexis101 said...

I liked the music too! But I agree the movie was sort of cheesy...

Sam said...

i was expecting so much more, it kind of disappointed me. but i had to like it just because joe was in it! ;)

Alexis101 said...

yea if go to my blog you will find out why i wrote it so early

MoulinRougefan08 said...

not a huge fan of Disney Channel movies sometimes there just a little 2 cheesy 4 me but this didn't totally suck it was actually kinda good don't tell anyone though!!

CG13 said...

I liked camp rock dont like the Jonas Brothers but the movie was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!