As a treat for actually getting the shot was a trip to the Goodwill :D Yes, a strange trip I know, but a really big goodwill is right by the hospital so, we went and I found some very cute items.

As you can see, I had a very productive day :D
On the 4th of July(Independence Day) I am going to see one of my really good friends dance in the local parade. I will be sporting my red white and blue! I also will be checking out the fireworks :D What are your plans for independence day???
I have gotten hooked onto this site called by
I am now on a search for some of your best DIY ideas :D Shout em out and hit me back with some comments.
On the 4th of July(Independence Day) I am going to see one of my really good friends dance in the local parade. I will be sporting my red white and blue! I also will be checking out the fireworks :D What are your plans for independence day???
I have gotten hooked onto this site called by
I am now on a search for some of your best DIY ideas :D Shout em out and hit me back with some comments.
Hey :)
i've never read your blog before,
but i really enjoyed reading your last few entries.
I've only just heard of the jonas brothers, being from england i've only ever heard sos (until listening to your playlist)but i dont care how good their songs are, they're all seriously cute!
Ew. Doctors. =[
Looks like you had fun shopping, though. =]
cool finds. hope the shots didn't hurt.
i forgot about parades...but they are like the best.XD HOpe u feel better from the shots. that's so cool u found stuff at goodwill, i love that jean jacket.
lol, yeah you are obsessed.XD
Dang Goodwill??? Really??? Wow that Victoria Secrets sweatshirt is wayy too cute 2 be at Goodwill!!!!! Not that Goodwill's bad its just where all the unwanted clothes are!!!Who wouldn't want that!!!
to be completely straight forward i love your blog
u r real and head on
ur cool
im actually a really big fan of botiques but i don't go 2 goodwill very often but once i got a really good pair of capris there
really and truly ur blog is that good thnx for the comment :) ♥
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