- School this week has been, eh. ok. We have had ERB's, the most stupidest standardized test ever. I can't believe highschoolers actually have to take them. ew.
- Its Friday! I love Friday :D
- Today I walked into the town right by my school. It is literally a 5 minute walk and its so pretty. It is your average North Eastern town, with a mainstreet and everything. We went to starbucks and brueggers, conviently very close to the beginning of the street. Underneath is the cute little town's mainsteet. Isn't it so...cute!
Now for the fashion tidbits. I have one thing to talk about before we get to another one of my favorite stores and that is...heels. I have been noticing some people wear heels to school. Don't get me wrong, I love heels and I love wearing them, but some people don't know how to walk and wear them. Here is some advice on the art of wearing heels in a casual setting.
- Learn how to actually walk in heels. Some people drag there feet, some people stay on there toes, the list is endless. I actually practice wearing heels in places with a big area, like Costco. I also always walk in front of the mirror too check out how I walk. This may seem a little silly, but it works! I also suggest wearing a new pair of heels for a day to break them in so you prevent foot dragging during school or any major public place where you know people.
- Know how to dress heels. Some people at my school try to look all cool with heels and a short skirt, etc. However, they look like a slut, and the outfit+heels isn't even that cute. Anyways, If you really want to wear six inch heels to a casual place(I don't suggest it)wear something knee length or right above the knee. I love pairing wide leg pants with heels because they make your legs look endless.
- Wear the right kinds of heels. You don't want to be looking completly stupid in your high super skinny heeled stilletos. I suggest pumps, because with a larger heel you can walk a little better.
Now my 1 fashion don't when wearing heels is...don't wear espadrilles.
Well , I have decided not to write anymore, so my favorite story of the day will come to you on saturday or sunday. Happy Mothers day and happy blogging!
Givin some love back,
so what kind of fashion tips would you give to a girl that tends to be sporty? i can wear heals but it's really hard for me 2 keep my balance...are flats ok?
heels kill my feet. i stick with flats too, :)
I like espadrilles..... think thyre summary and cute!
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