Anyways here is the update on my life...
1. I am sick. I stayed home from school yesterday and had a nice relaxing day on the couch, watching TV, movies and playing with the on demand feature. After I discovered that, I was able to watch 4 episodes of the hills and 4 of What not to Wear. It was a pretty good day.
2. The Laramie Project is over and it was an amazing experience. This play has completely opened my eyes to new issues in the world that I want to cure and help. It has really challenged my patience, faith and jealousy and confidence. It has made me think about the world as I never have before. Plus I had a ton of fun in the process.
3. SPRING AWAKENING is coming to Pittsburgh! T
4. I have gained some weight. Majorly :( I am so disappointed in myself that I let my weight get the better of me but it has. I need some good work out tips/foods/videos to help me in my restoration of my already big built body. It has been throwing off my fashion life majorly.
5. I really need to go shopping. My clothing is getting so...old. I need some new stuff thrown in the wardrobe.
6. I finally have some free time to do...something. I absolutely need to study. I am getting completely stressed and swamped with work and I am starting to function in "summer" mode. I need to eat some protein and focus.
6. I finally have some free time to do...something. I absolutely need to study. I am getting completely stressed and swamped with work and I am starting to function in "summer" mode. I need to eat some protein and focus.
7. Is anyone a fan of the show GREEK? I know I am :D I have been completely addicted to the show since it aired last summer. Yes, I have watched every episode the night it comes on and I have watched them over and over on I am a completely crazy girl right now.

Hope your enjoyed the much belated blog post that this blog was in desperate need of.
i KNOW! i wanna see those two movies soooo bad! i know, patrick dempsey is just.... just a great actor. i have a thing for him too. we were like seperated at birth! :)
yeah, gap rox, but the prices do not. my money never matches the latest fashions! :)
Hey, alyssa this Caitlin. I think you commented on my blog...That's so cool you are interseted in God. Where do u go to church, i noticed you were in youth group... So do u play any instruments?
hey! I love the gap
hey, yah i was born again when i was 4, but wasn't really serious about God, n then just about 2 years ago when i moved here 2 IA got a lot of stuff right with God and i've really been growing in my realationship with him now. where is ur church? Oh man i love missions trips!!! I would really like to go someplace overseas some Israel, or Africa or some jungle place...Pittsburgh is awesome! so what do u guys do while ur there?
Cool i sing too, i'm not that great...have u writen any songs?
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