Saturday, February 16, 2008

My Jonas Story

Since this blog is for my main purpose to spill my lifes thrills and chills, I feel it neccesary to tell every story possible...So I am about to share my Hannah Montanna/Miley Cyrus and Jonas Brothers Concert story!

You know how the concerts were completley sold out in about 2 minutes...well obviousley I could not get tickets. I was so crushed. I was searching everyday on the internet to find tickets to see the JONAS BROTHERS! My ultimate love :D WE have a family friend who told us he had tickets for 4, so 3 friends and I went! was beyond amazing. We totally were freaking out when the Jonas Brothers came on stage. It was great :D
My friends(and people at my school) call them the Jo Bros. Well, we were like "oh my gosh, its the Jo Bros!" Here is the greatest thing-->this little (snobby) girl turns around in her seat and says "stop calling them that!" in the most obnoxious, snobby voice you would ever hear.
We practially died laughing.
The last song of the concert was Best of Both Worlds, which by far is possibly the worst song ever to end an amazing concert with. So we left in the middle of the song and ran to where the tour buses were parked at the arena. We stood (in 30 degree weather) waiting for 45 minutes for them to come out and they [finally] did! We started chanting Jonas and they came and shook our hands!(along with everyone else on the fence we were standing on)
By far the best night of my life XD
It was just...amazing.

The video is from the concert I was at. I had pretty high up seats, and my video's were kinda
blurry, but this one is basically the best.



omigod! that is exactly what happened to my team last year. haha. jeez. what team do you play for?

Francesca said...

oh hey! I am Francesca. Woah, I know what you mean. (:
I'm glad I have a twin too. lol

Anyway, I live in Manila right now. I am a mixture of American, Spanish, and Filipino. How about you?

Do you have a myspace? If so, you should add me:

see ya!


o, well im living in virginia for like a year, so my parents want to go pretty much EVERYWHERE before we go back to california. but williamsburg sounds fun, but its gonna take like 4 hours to drive to the resort, but o well.

Francesca said...

oh, I see. What do you have? Let me know so I can add you up.

I work as a part-time model besides going to college most of the time. lol. How about you?

Later! (:

Sara Bear :) said...

omg you are the luckiest girl in the world.i love the "JoBros" my friend asks me why i call them that. LoL :D

Anonymous said...

Thanks bunches for the comment. (:

We do have some of the same interests.

I don't really like Jonas though.

But anyway.

My MySpace is if you have one.

Julia said...

lol you guys were actually talking...all me & my friends could do at the concert was scream....we went last summer it was truly the most amazing day of my life
i actually became a bit hard of hearing after the concert... lol and my voice got all raspy...still The Jonas Brothers are worth every bit of the stuff we went through that day(and trust me, it was crazy, way to crazy for words)

glad you had fun!
well I mean..why wouldn't you? it's The Jonas Brothers