Friday, February 15, 2008

woah...that was scary

Well, I just got back from auditions and it was the most craziest, wildest emotion roller coaster I have ever experienced. I have been to so many auditions, but none like this.

The play is the Laramie Project. In case you have no idea what the Laramie Project is, it is a play about the death of Mathew Shepeard and how he was killed because he was gay.
Here is the catch, only 10 people are in the play. guess how many auditioned?

21, yeah. I was pretty nervous. But I kept my cool :D

I got to be stoned, and it was fun XD

My VALENTINES DAY was great. My boyfriend and I exchanged cheesy cards and he gave me a big hug and kiss :D It was fun.

I am currently...watching gilmore girls. Just to let you know :D Hopefully my parents will let us go to dinner soon. I am starving.

School hmm...well school is going ok. ehh. I am trying to be an overachiever and raise my grades, so I hope I can do it. I just need to raise english and spanish and I will be set.

You know what I don't understand? Why I find chinese(yes I take chinese) easier then spanish. There is something just plain wrong about that.

I am a pretty big christian, and for lent we are doing this lenten project where they give us 50 dollars and we have to do something with it. I am thinking about making a bunch of chocolate and selling it for the big easter rush. Any other idea's?



that is pretty cool. :) ya, i have done about 1 audition in my life and found out that i am a bit too ambitious. haha. o well.
good luck on your audition thing! the play looks really interesting.
annd thanks for the comment. i didnt really think anybody would actually ever read my blog. :)

Julia said...

wow i've never been to an audition
& lol that's weird cuz spanish is kind of easy...and chinese....
like..are you kidding?

Sk8erGirl said...

Are you preppy? I know that is a weird question. But it seems like that.


okay. i totally will. it looks really cool.

do you play field hockey? i used to play for my old school, but then i moved and my new school doesn't have it which sucks a bit. ya, field hockey is a pretty fun sport next to soccer and football. :D hahaha.

Aurley said...

Yeah, Amazing audition. So totally breaks the mold. BAM. Smashed it all to pieces.