Friday, February 15, 2008

First Blog!

Hey! Alyssa here with her first post on her new blog! yay!
I am just getting all the kinks ironed out so I can actually figure out what I am doing :D
Basically, here is the low down on my life...
1) I go to a private school
2) I am pretty spontaneous
3) I am dedicated to what I love
4) I live for God
5) I have alot to say

I really really REALLY like it when people comment my posts.
It makes my day :D


Julia said...

well I really really like making peoples' days!
and when people comment my

peace awesome person!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I wanna make your day, so here's a comment for u

btw,just wanted u 2 know that i'm from finland, do you even know where it is? ;)

all the best!