The title says it all. All you readers are the cheese to my macaroni (brilliantly spoken in
JUNO). I just want to let you all (for about the hundreth time XD ) that I appreciate every comment you all leave. Thanks :D

Anyways, yesterday and today was a pretty intense day. Remember the friend I went to see in the 4th of July Parade? Well, I slept over her house yesterday, and had a pretty sweet time. We of course, were being girls and goofing off. We "frolicked" as we called it in her backyard. Basically, our definition of frolick is "running around the yard, posing, and trying to go on the rope swing" Yeah, we are pretty weird.

Then after, we ate popcorn, drank Fuse, and watched Juno. Juno is now my new favorite movie. Ever.

The next day we got up early and went on a bike ride by a nearby river. We, of course, were taking a bunch of pictures. Including with the steel man!

Then we stopped at this amazingly cute "gilmore girls" like shop and ate cheesecake. We now want to go find the Gilmore Girls town and eat food there. Well, right behind the resteraunt was this cool little playground, as a PIRATE SHIP :D We found it to be the most amazing thing, ever, so we were taking many pictures there. Then we went home, went swimming, and were done for the day XD We are both pretty much dead.

One thing I have to tell you all is I found out her sister is as obsessed with the Jonas Brothers as I am. Just look at her room!
Well, I am currently working on another Look for less post for your daily dose of fashion. As for todays daily dose...
In the latest edition of Cosmogirl-->there is a coupon for a FREE victorias secret Pink makeup bag with any Pink purchase! It is good until the end of August, so I suggest you all run out and get them bags! As for tommorow...
Givin Some Love Back,
I have the same coupon you said to save! I did the same thing!!! I was like Ohh good deal. :P
And is she wearing a PATD shirt?? I wanted that shirt!! Im so jealous. >:P
Awesome post Ah-lyssa!
i have the same coupon too! (i get Cosmo girl in the mail!) small world!!
i always have fun with my friends too!
and since i know you like jb so much, stay tuned for my next post from when i went to their concert!!
what happened to the awsum background?
ya it is great to have fun
btw: ur a jonas brothers fanatic just like her sister
Hahah fun! My room use to be covered with Harry Potter stuff the same way her room is covered with the JoBros. LOL! Cute blog! Visit me sometime. :)
I'm Emily.
Ur fourth of July soudns funn!
Haha, i lvoe Juno!
Best movie, E.V.E.R.!
Comment on my blog plzz.
ha was that a panic at the disco shirt?! I am jealous if it is:p i will get one soon enough. p.s. my walls used to be like that too bad i dont like the jonas brothers anymore liked them when they first came out ever since the new look came dont like them:( cool blog thanks for the comment
Sure thing!! Im doing one a Paramore as well. :) I actually wrote a Katy Perry review then deleted it :/ Glad to hear you are interested! :D And I did do a solo artist~ Rihanna, remember?? But- As you know, The solo artist just arent as good... because the JOBROS are group. ;D Haha. Thanks again Ah-lyssaa!! Come over sometime missy >:]
hey sounds like fun =] i love doing that sort of stuff, like taking random pictures and just living it up!
hit me back,
Luv'n the ROOM..looks like a BLAST!
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